
May Blog

 May Blog Throughout April we focused on distinguishing between plants and animals. We read "Plants and Animals on the Farm", "Same! Different?", and "Grow, Garden, Grow". Students practiced finding similarities and differences between various animals. We planted flowers outside and discussed the needs of a plant. Students  continued  recognizing  numerals and worked on using one-to-one correspondence to count objects. In May we will wrap up our school year by learning about geographical places on a map. Students will practice using a map while we go "camping" in pretend play. Students will work to identify different geographical places that people can go - mountains, beach, lake, park, forest, etc. We will read stories about these different geographical places and see how people in our stories use a map to locate places they go. In math, we will continue working on our counting skills and introduce the concepts of composing and decomposing as we

April Blog

April Blog Hope everyone had a great spring break! It is hard to believe that it is already the 4th quarter. It has been so fun to see everyone in class growing and progressing in their skills! During March, we focused on earth and space. We read stories about night and day, the earth, and learned about the different ways the earth moves. In math, we focused heavily on our shapes and locating them throughout our environment. Students made rocket ships and pizzas out of shapes. We also practiced using positional words to locate objects. In pretend play, students were able to practice being astronauts in our classroom space center. There were planets for students to practice identifying the attributes of, numbers to identify, and letters on our space station controls to also identify. In the month of April, we are reading about plants and animals. Students will work on distinguishing between a plant versus an animal. In pretend play, we have a flower shop with plants and various spring a